
How to be unique and more engaging

There are currently over 7 billion people on earth.  How are YOU going to stand out?  Sure, there are bound to be similarities between us but I believe its good to be different.  It’s a natural trait that our attention is grabbed when we see or hear something that is a bit different from the norm. Others take notice of things and people that are different.  In business it’s important to get people to take notice of us and become engaged in what we are doing/saying.  This post will give you some tips on how to be unique and more engaging.

Ten commandments of being unique and engaging…

1. Get out and about

Don’t stay in lazing around or watching trashy tv.  Get out there into the real world!  You can get inspiration and new ideas just by walking down the street.  Go for a coffee.  If a stranger tries to engage you in conversation then accept it and talk to them, you just never know where it might lead.  This maybe out of your comfort zone but that’s where you want to be.   Try visiting somewhere different, not your usual haunts.  It’s a good idea to carry a note pad or some way of noting down your ideas.  You never know when inspiration may strike.  When Les Dawson (a famous UK comedian) needed some inspiration for his act, he used to go for a walk with his wife and jot down his ideas on a note pad.

2. Do something, anything!

It’s so important to take action.  Do something!  Don’t spend your time sitting around moaning about your lack of luck or income.  You really are the only one who can change the situation you find yourself in.   Build, create, network, record, chat, make!  Be creative and make sure you have  something to show from your actions.

3. Give it go!

Try doing something you have never done before, or going somewhere you’ve never been before.  Give yourself a new experience.  Do something that you’re unsure of.  Experiment.  Going out of your comfort zone is a great way of learning and we often perform better when we stretch ourselves.  The feeling you get when you do something you didn’t think you’d be able to do is awesome.  Go on, do something new!  What is the worst that can happen?

Remember, we learn something new every time we fail, so don’t be afraid of failing, give it go!  You’ll learn something new, something that you can tell the world, something that might make you unique.

4. Be bold, be brave

Don’t be scared!  Have an opinion.  Believe in something.  Voice your opinions.  Don’t worry too much about what people will say.  Sure, there will be people who disagree or even disapprove of your opinion, but at least you’ll be interesting and not run of the mill.  If you have a different view, find the strength to tell people about it.  Be passionate and show it.  Be confident BUT not arrogant.  By being bold and courageous, you’ll stand out and people will take notice.

5.  Don’t follow the crowd

Go your own way.  Be a leader rather than a follower.  If you start doing what everyone else is then you’re following them, you’re a trend follower.  Wouldn’t you rather be the trendsetter?  You’ll find if you do your own thing people will start to follow you.  You become the leader, you become unique.

6.  Show and tell

So, I’ve suggested you do something, anything, but make sure you show and tell everyone what you’ve done/seen/created.   Share, talk and shout about your discoveries.  What better way is there to do this than share your discoveries and experiences online.  Post about it on blog and tell everyone about it via social networking.  Others will see you’re doing stuff and you immediately become more interesting.

7. Embrace your diversity

Do people think you’re a bit weird?  That’s great news! They are more likely to remember you.  We are all slightly different and have quirks that make us different from others.  Be YOU! Don’t try and hide these idiosyncrasies, celebrate them!  It’s these differences that make you unique and  interesting to others.

8. Brand YOU

Make sure you stand out by developing a brand for ‘You Ltd’.   Consider how you appear to the outside world.  Are you someone who your prospects (colleagues and customers) want to talk and listen to?  Are you interesting?  When I say develop your brand I’m not suggesting you change, above all you must be yourself, don’t try and be someone you’re not.  If you do, it won’t be natural and it won’t work.

Identify the qualities or characteristics that make you distinctive from your competitors – or your colleagues, and write them down.  Think about what you have done in the past and why, what you have done well, your plans and your values.  Ensure you reinforce the best characteristics as often as possible.  Become completely focused on what you do that adds value to your colleagues and customers.  By creating your own brand you become more memorable.  People will remember you as the person to call when they need something.

Be exceptional.

9. No man/woman is an island

Being unique often means being independent, however you still need to accept the support of others.  It’s so important to be able to bounce ideas off someone or just have someone that you can sound off too.  There is a famous saying that says behind every great man there is a great woman (excuse the sexism!).  Embrace those that offer support.

This tip requires a fine balance.   Don’t become too reliant on others but equally don’t become solitary.  A mentor can help.

Uniqueness is about being individual.  If you want to be truly unique you need to stand on your feet and ensure your ambition, values, determination and imagination outshines everyone else.

10. Be Open and Respectful

Yes I know that’s two things, but it just had to be a nice round ten tips in total!  Be open to new ideas.  Whilst in conversation l.i.s.t.e.n. and consider others’ opinions.  You don’t have to agree, but don’t just cast them aside.  Allow yourself time to consider and then form your own opinion.  People will engage with you if they know you listen.  Respect people of all abilities and levels.  Remember, some of the best ideas come from the most unusual sources.


Hopefully I have motivated you, so get out there and be unique!  Btw… there is only one Haydon Rouse.  🙂

How do you try and be unique and engaging?  Please post your suggestions in the comments below.


Haydon Rouse

Haydon is a business consultant / mentor and an expert at marketing and selling online. He genuinely wants to help you and provide exceptional service. Why? Because, when he achieves that, you will tell your friends about him. Haydon has been marketing and selling online for over 20 years. He has lived in East Kent all his life (cough... over 50 years.. cough), knows the local area like the back of his hand and has fantastic customer service skills. You can contact him here.

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