
NOT my first blog post

So . . this isn’t my first blog post! 😉  I started blogging way back in July 2006.  This post is going to be different to most of my others.  It’s going to be personal, about ME and my desire to change things.  Sounds serious huh?!

It is serious to me! I want to help and provide a better life for my family.

I’ve recently finished (and hopefully passed) a three year part time Degree in Management.  Its been a real struggle at times, not so much the knowledge level but the time element.  You see I’ve a full time job, children and a disabled partner and finding the time to do the assignments was difficult.  But now its finished, no more assignments and I’ve got all that time back!  Great, so what am I doing with all this extra time?  Well… I’ve started a new course!!

It’s not an accredited course, it’s better, it’s all about internet marketing.  The course is called “Dean Holland’s Quick Start Challenge“.  I had my first “class” last night and I found I could really relate to Dean, in particular his desire to change and provide a better life for his family.  I’m hoping Dean will teach me how to create my own products that will be of real value to people and enable me to create a sustainable income.  During the first session we were given our first bit of homework … to create a blog post and reflect on the course.

I feel I’m starting a new journey.   I’ve never been a regular blogger and this site has never had lots of visitors, maybe because I’ve never promoted it properly.  Maybe because I’ve never been open and personal about me.

I know I have the knowledge and skills to be successful.  That sounds big headed, but I’ve been involved with the internet and marketing online for many years.  I’ve been building web sites for local businesses since 1997. I’ve even taught web design to hundreds of local college students.  It’s time to use my skills properly and I’m hoping Dean can keep me on track.

During the first training session Dean also spoke about how people love reality shows and that people would feel more connected to us if we opened up.  Again, I know the power of reality shows only too well.  In May 2001 I created a community fan site for a reality show called Survivor.  It attracted hundreds of thousands of visitors.  So many in fact that the tv channel threatened me with legal action!  I had to scale it back and the site gradually died as people moved to other forums and then social networking sites like Facebook in order to discuss tv shows.

Recent changes to Google’s ranking system have had a detrimental effect on my affiliate web sites.  For those of you who don’t know, an affiliate is like a sales agent, they refer people to other web sites in return for commission.  I have had some mild success at this and have even managed to earn more than my full time wage during one month last year.  But that has all changed and I haven’t been able to dedicate much time to my web sites because of time constraints but also, if I’m honest, its been down to time management.  Dean gave out some great tips on effective time management in the first session.

Dean started his journey with a blog post titled “My first blog post” and this is the start of my journey… but it’s NOT my first blog post.  🙂

If you’ve read this far I hope you will check in regularly to see how I’m doing.  Perhaps you can even help me stay on track by posting a comment or asking me to give a progress update?

If you’re a fellow ‘student’ on Dean Holland’s Quick Start Challenge then please leave a comment.  Lets connect and support each other.


Thought I would keep updating my post with links to the blog posts of some other people on the challenge:

These are the ones I’ve found.  Sorry if I’ve missed you off. Let me know in the comments!



Haydon Rouse

Haydon is a business consultant / mentor and an expert at marketing and selling online. He genuinely wants to help you and provide exceptional service. Why? Because, when he achieves that, you will tell your friends about him. Haydon has been marketing and selling online for over 20 years. He has lived in East Kent all his life (cough... over 50 years.. cough), knows the local area like the back of his hand and has fantastic customer service skills. You can contact him here.

Dean Holland’s Quick Start Challeng - 9 June, 2012

[…] view the blog posts of other people on Dean Hollands Quickstart Challenge go to HaydonRouse.com read his post and there is also a list of  links to other people on the challenge (including […]

Una - 10 June, 2012

I am very proud of you darling. You have always been there for me and our children, and at times things have been extremely difficult for you to cope with. I know you are more than able to do well, as you say it is mostly down to time constraints and time management. Your ability has never been in question and I am sure that you will do well for the future. I will support you whatever, even though sometimes it may be a bit scary. Above all remember how proud of you I am and that I will always love you xxx

Lucas - 11 June, 2012

Hello Haydon,

Very nice blog entry. I do like the personal touch!
Like you, I’m on Dean’s challenge (listed as “Lucas”) but thought I’d connect up with you properly.
My expectations are set and very high. Can’t wait for Week2 (this week hopefully) and welcome your suggestion to collaborate.
All the best and “see you” in the challenge.

Cheers, Lucas

    Haydon Rouse - 11 June, 2012

    Thanks for your kind comment Lucas. Yes, please stay in touch, I’m sure there be opportunity for us to work together during the challenge.
    All the best.

Bibs - 11 June, 2012

Hi Haydon!

It’s nice that you have a list of some people who are on the 28 day challenge. I visited some of their blogs and will continue to check every one of them.

I’ll be visiting this to check for updates. Thanks!


    Haydon Rouse - 11 June, 2012

    Hi Bibs and thanks for the comment. Knowing that you’ll be coming back for updates is going to spur me on! Thanks. Are you on the Challenge?

      Bibs - 12 June, 2012

      Yes, I’m on the challenge too! If you have time, you may visit my blog, im-bibs.com

      Week 2!!!

Martin Percival - 12 June, 2012

Hi Haydon,

I think I’m probably about in the same place as you (as far as IM is concerned).

Google trashed all my sites too and I’m getting sick of the hoop-jumping needed to satisfy their every whim, with no guarantees that they won’t just change their minds down the road.

Nice list of attendees….time to read some more I think 🙂


    Haydon Rouse - 13 June, 2012

    Hi Martin, Thanks for stopping by. Yes there are lots of blogs to read – looks like everyone has been busy and taking action.

Chetz - 13 June, 2012

Hi Haydon,

I’m Chetz from Malaysia and I’m joining the challenge too.

I can relate with your story. I’ve also been in the IM scene for quite long, even thought some people to do business online, yet I haven’t made enough money to do this full time and to take care of my family as I would like to.

I wish you all the bests and I really looking forward to hear all the success stories from this challenge.

Have a great day Haydon.

Best Regards,
Chetz Togom

    Haydon Rouse - 13 June, 2012

    Thanks for the comment Chetz. All the best to you too.

RobinD - 13 June, 2012


Glad to see others starting the challenge as well!
I think you misse my blog… http://RobinDanielsen.com

    Haydon Rouse - 13 June, 2012

    Thanks for visiting Robin. I’ve added your site to the list and congratulations on your graduation. 🙂

Sorina Dascalu - 13 June, 2012

Hi Haydon!

Nice list of blogs enrolled in Dean’s challenge you have here. I to am mart of this, you can add my website to the list if you want.

I too had an affiliate site hit by the latest updates, dropped from #1 to #6 in late April. I managed to get it back to #2, and now fighting for that supreme #1! 😉

    Haydon Rouse - 13 June, 2012

    Hi Sorina,
    #2 – is very good. I wish I was there for my keyword. My main affiliate site went from #3 to #53! .. and is still there 🙁 I have added and had a look at your site – nice design btw.
    Thanks for visiting and good luck with the challenge.

differentbe - 14 June, 2012

Hey Haydon,

First of all, thanks so much for finding my BLOG earlier in the week and putting me on your “Wall of Friends.” I am finally taking action here and thanking you publicly. Well – I must honestly say that the comment comes as part of the week 2 Dean Holland assignment but I think this one is going to be fun.

So, I am curious – do you find that forcing a username/password reduces SPAM? My BLOG also forces a user registration to post and this is honestly one of the reasons that I didn’t post on your BLOG over the weekend (registration felt like such a hassle). So, while I am doing this forced registration on my own site I wonder if it reduces SPAM while also reducing traffic. Since I need to moderate every post anyway, why force a login? Hmmm….

Speaking of SPAM have you tried the Akismet login to deal with it? This paid plug-in was installed by default on my site and it supposed to eliminate SPAM. I wonder if it works.

On a quick side note – HOW did you find my BLOG anyway? Did you simply do a Google search on the “Dean Holland” phrase and BOOM there I am? Please share..

Finally, I must say that I like your BLOG. You can tell that you have been working on it for a while since it seems very clean and put together. Great job so far. 🙂

–Denny (denny@differentbe.com)
Why be different when you can different be?

    Haydon Rouse - 21 June, 2012

    Hi Denny,
    Thanks for the comment, sorry for the delay in responding! Yes I found your site with a Google search using Dean Holland’s quick start challenge.
    Thanks for your feedback and kind words about my blog. I am going to review the registration process I use. I was getting loads of spam so tightened things up and installed a plugin called Growmap Anti Spambot. I don’t use Akismet, but hear good things.

differentbe - 14 June, 2012

Oh yeah – one more thing – did you already have Google Analaytics installed or did you have to get it setup. I ended up using a plug-in called “Google Analytics for WordPress” rather than “Google Analytics” and it seems to be running fine. The “Google Analytics” plug-in just seemed too old and wasn’t even compatible with 3.3.2. Any other plug-in suggestions there?

-Denny (denny@differentbe.com)
Why be different when you can different be? http://www.differentbe.com

    Haydon Rouse - 21 June, 2012

    Yes I already had Google Analytics installed. 🙂 The Theme I use (WooThemes.com – Therapy) has a box for adding tracking code so I don’t need or use any extra plugins for Google Analytics.

robcole - 16 June, 2012


Don’t worry about not having a lot of time. If you always do a bit when you get the chance then you will still see success.

I wish you all the best,

    Haydon Rouse - 21 June, 2012

    Thanks for stopping by Rob.

phyllis - 18 June, 2012

Nice blog! I enjoyed reading blog post here! I too have lots of experience working with offline local businesses. My company has been developing web sites for local businesses since 1998. I look forward to taking this journey with you!

My blog is http://www.360bizmarketing.com If there you are still adding to your list I would appreciate the add!

To your success!

Rich - 18 June, 2012

Hi Haydon,

I think you will be able to create products fairly easy with your extensive background. Based on the course layout, week three’s webinar should be exactly what you are looking for. You have a great and useful site. I think many others would appreciate it if they knew about it. Best wishes on achieving your goals.


Tyke - 19 June, 2012

You don’t make it easy to post a comment, Haydon, but I’m not easily dissuaded! Anyway, very nice blog and it sounds like you’ve got plenty of experience in the weird and wacky world of IM, which I’m sure will stand you in good stead.

Best of luck with the challenge and here’s hoping Dean can give us that push we need to make the breakthrough we’re looking for.


    Haydon Rouse - 21 June, 2012

    Hi Tyke, thanks for the feedback. I’m going to look into changing my registration/comment posting process.

Hendosrus - 20 June, 2012

Hi Haydon,

it’s a very impressive blog you’ve got going here. And I so admire the effort you’ve put into finishing a degree with all the other things you have going on in your life.

I too am hoping for great things from Deans QSC, but I agree with Rich above – you do already have a great site full of useful content. You’re already leaps and bounds ahead of me, for example.

Good luck with your goals Haydon. I’m sure you’ll get there.


    Haydon Rouse - 21 June, 2012

    Hi Paul, thanks for stopping by my site and your kind comments. I don’t feel as though I’m leaps ahead, so am going to keep plugging away!
    All the best to you.

ljburbank - 21 June, 2012

Just a little nudge…at your request, Haydon.. Time for another post? Would love to hear more from you. You have a wonderful background and are so primed for success in internet marketing. Congratulations on your Degree in Management. I know you must be glad to get that behind you as well as have that new-found knowledge in front of you!

All the best in the challenge! If you wish, you can include me on your list of those in the challenge.

Linda Burbank (lindaburbank.com)

    Haydon Rouse - 21 June, 2012

    Thank you Linda, thank you! Your comment spurred me on. I had a day off today, so took the opportunity to have a go at the video challenge. Let me me know what you think. I’ll add your site to my list.

Dean Holland’s Quickstart Challenge Review Week 4 - 29 June, 2012

[…] or comments about Dean Hollands Quickstart Challlenge, then please post them below this article.We are now in week 4 of Dean Holland's Quickstart Challenge.  With just one week left to go, it is …line.   Whilst you are never going to make money within the first four 90 minute sessions, the […]

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