
Video challenge

As I mentioned in my last post I’ve signed up to Dean Holland’s Quick Start Challenge.  Last week he gave us a new task and that was to create a video.  I really didn’t have a clue what to do my video on.  In the end I decided to create a short, spoof type video.  Let me know what you think…

The quality isn’t great, but I think you get the idea!

Haydon Rouse

Haydon is a business consultant / mentor and an expert at marketing and selling online. He genuinely wants to help you and provide exceptional service. Why? Because, when he achieves that, you will tell your friends about him. Haydon has been marketing and selling online for over 20 years. He has lived in East Kent all his life (cough... over 50 years.. cough), knows the local area like the back of his hand and has fantastic customer service skills. You can contact him here.

Marlene Kristensen - 29 June, 2012

Hi Haydon
That video just made my day!
I had to laugh out loud and I have a principal that I must laugh out loud every single day at least once… so THANK YOU!

Very clever idea too… And you are right. Don't look for shiny objects to buy, but find good mentors to help you lay a real foundation to a successful business.

So what do you think of the QSC so far? You know Dean gets a lot of publicity out of this and it is part of his marketing…. so tell me, what do YOU get out of participating?

Personally I am out to build relationships and meet new future IM partners. What is your outcome?

Talk soon

Haydon Rouse - 3 July, 2012

Hi Marlene,
Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment. I'm pleased to hear you enjoyed my little video and it made you laugh out loud.
I've enjoyed the QSC, just wish I had more time to dedicate to it. After the initial influx of visitors my blog has gone quiet, but that's probably because I haven't blogged as much as I should of. I explain in my latest post a bit more about my review of the course.
My ideal outcome would be to start getting subscribers. I need to change a few things first. I want to change my giveaway and improve the sign up process.
Speak soon.

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